Saturday, April 4, 2015

What is the best way to give a PowerPoint presentation?

Do you want to give a presentation and still not sure the appropriate slides and text front. Here is a thought from Guy Kawasaki's 10-20-30 Rule.
  1. 10 Slides
  2. 20 Minutes to deliver the presentation
  3. 30 is the minimum font size you are to use.
Because human comprehension is limited ten slides is the optimal number of slides in a PowerPoint presentation that seems normal. Each slide can range from Problem, Your solution, Business model, Underlying magic/technology, Marketing and sales, Competition, Team, Projections and milestones, and timeline, Summary and call to action

If you use the above rule, you'll learn to just concentrate on the important points and leave the fluff out. Needless to say, it does depend on the type of presentation you're giving and the audience. Having said that, the above rule comes in very handy!

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